Isaiah Washington Praises Trump For His 'First Step Act'

Isaiah Washington took to social media Monday (April 1) to praise Donald Trump for his prison reform initiativeentitled First Step Act, and blast Barack Obama for not doing enough for the black community during his eight years in office.

Isaiah Washington took to social media Monday (April 1) to praise Donald Trump for his prison reform initiative entitled “First Step Act,” and blast Barack Obama for not doing enough for the black community during his eight years in office.

The initiative was announced earlier this week and aims to help inmates sentenced to non-violent crimes as they readjust to life outside of prison. According to Fox News 59, more than 500 sentences have been reduced and 700 inmates were released.

The bill reportedly allocated $500 million for re-entry, job training, education, grants, and programs for inmates. Rehabilitation programs have also been put in place, while smarter housing closer to an inmate’s family add another layer of support has also been added to the program.

Per the former Grey’s Anatomy actor, Donald Trump’s new bill is doing more for the black community than the nation’s first black president.

I voted for 44 twice. I even checked my emails in his Senate Office while lobbying for Salone to be given another chance to rebrand. Not once in 8 years was I given any support regarding Africa or the Black Agenda, but 45 invites me to the WH to celebrate the #FirstStepAct ??‍♂️

— The Tweet Sniper? (@IWashington) April 1, 2019

Washington in a later tweet said he has no political affiliation and will work with whomever in order to get things done and then congratulated the president on the milestone achievement.

.@realDonaldTrump you freed 3,000 Federal Prisoners, got 16,000 in drug rehabilitation programs and now you just need to deliver #Reparations2020 #FirstStepAct ??

— The Tweet Sniper? (@IWashington) April 2, 2019

After receiving a few digital side eyes, the 55-year-old asked the naysayers to please do their research before tweeting him.

Please stop @ ing me with your hate and ignorance before properly researching the #FirstStepAct ?? and @cut_50 I’m really embarrassed for y’all. Come on now. You can be better by doing better. And one more thing! Do yourselves a favor and Turn Off @CNN ? Self Care is tantamount!

— The Tweet Sniper? (@IWashington) April 4, 2019

You got it, Mr. Washington.

