This 'Who The Boss?' Fact Proves What's Wrong With Hollywood

In a lot of ways, the 90s was the ultimate decade for sitcoms. After all, it was during the 90s that shows like Friends, Seinfeld, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Frasier all became massive hits that are still remembered fondly to this day. However, when looking back at television history, it is clear that

In a lot of ways, the ‘90s was the ultimate decade for sitcoms. After all, it was during the ‘90s that shows like Friends, Seinfeld, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Frasier all became massive hits that are still remembered fondly to this day. However, when looking back at television history, it is clear that those ‘90s sitcoms never would have been produced at all if it wasn’t for all of the hit comedy shows that aired during the ‘80s.

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For an entire generation of fans, Who’s the Boss? was one of the ‘80s’ best sitcoms. Both a workplace sitcom and a show that revolved around a unique family, Who’s the Boss? featured all of the hallmarks of a classic comedy series including a will they or won’t they relationship. Unfortunately, despite all of the reasons to love Who’s the Boss? one fact about the beloved show is proof positive of everything that is wrong with Hollywood.

Tony Danza Almost Went To Prison

When Who’s the Boss? premiered on television in 1984, a lot of people gave the show a try in the first place for one reason, Tony Danza. After all, by the time work began on Who’s the Boss?, Danza already had lots of fans since he starred in the hit sitcom Taxi alongside people like Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito. With that in mind, it is amazing to learn that Danza almost made Who’s The Boss? an example of a beloved show that was canceled after only one season.

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Two days before the first episode of Who’s the Boss? premiered on television, the show’s main star Tony Danza was standing in a Manhattan Criminal Court. On February 3rd, 1984, Danza and a pal were being loud in a high-end Manhattan restaurant. When a guard approached the duo to quiet them down, he was hit so hard that he suffered partial hearing loss which is notable given Danza’s boxing background. Swiftly arrested, Danza stood trial and was found guilty of an assault which is why he was in court facing sentencing.

When Tony Danza attended court to be sentenced, his career was in real peril. After all, Danza was facing a year behind bars which would have made filming the second season of Who’s the Boss? impossible. Well aware of that fact, Danza’s lawyer stood up in court and asked for leniency explaining that prison time might completely derail his famous client’s career.

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After Tony Danza’s lawyer did his best to keep his client out of prison, things weren’t looking good at first. After all, the judge who was sentencing Danza called the famous actor out. ''You took the law into your own hands. You assaulted a man who was engaging in only one activity, that activity being to restore order.'' Despite the harsh words that the judge had for him, he sentenced Danza to only 250 hours of community service.

Following his sentencing, Tony Danza took responsibility for his actions while talking to reporters. ''I feel like a jerk. 'They are going to get the best 250 hours of community service they ever had.” However, when his guilty verdict first came in, Danza had a very different take on the situation since he said he was “shocked”. “You've got to be prepared for the worst but I expected to hear 'not guilty' because I was not guilty.”

Tony Danza Getting Off With A Slap On The Wrist Proves What's Wrong With Hollywood

During his long career, Tony Danza enjoyed enough success to accumulate an impressive net worth. On top of that, he developed a lovable reputation which is why Danza almost always played good guys. For that reason, Danza’s fans must have been happy to know his career wasn’t going to be derailed by a prison sentence. However, that isn’t fair at all. Why does the fact that Danza had a sitcom to star in likely save him from suffering the same consequences as anyone else in his position would have?

Of course, there have been some notable instances of celebrities being sentenced to time behind bars and actually serving their sentence. However, as anyone who pays attention to celebrity trials will likely be able to attest, stars often get away with their crimes with the help of high-paid lawyers. On top of that, even when stars get sentenced to community service, they often no show and somehow get away with that too. It is really messed up that there clearly is a completely different and much more lenient justice system for celebrities.

Next: 20 Former Disney Stars Who Got In Trouble With The Law

